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The Project

Implementing SVN with LDAP Integration for Secure Version Control at PACCAR

PACCAR required the setup of an SVN (Subversion) server with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) integration for an internal team. The objective was to create a secure and efficient version control system that streamlined user authentication and access management.

Our Solution

Demski Group Configures SVN with LDAP Integration on Red Hat for PACCAR

The Demski Group set up an SVN server on Red Hat with LDAP integration for PACCAR. The solution included configuring the SVN server, integrating LDAP for user authentication, and ensuring secure and efficient version control.

Key Features

Modern Design

• Installed and configured SVN server on a Red Hat operating system. • Ensured the server was optimized for performance and reliability.

LDAP Integration

• Integrated LDAP to manage user authentication and access control. • Configured the system to use existing LDAP directories for user management, reducing administrative overhead.

Access Management

• Set up fine-grained access controls to ensure that only authorized users could access specific repositories and resources. • Implemented policies to manage user permissions and roles effectively.

Security Measures

• Implemented security best practices to protect the SVN server and data. • Ensured encrypted communication between clients and the server to safeguard sensitive information.

User Training and Support

• Provided training and documentation to PACCAR’s internal team on using the SVN server with LDAP integration. • Offered ongoing support to address any issues and ensure smooth operation.
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The Results

Enhanced Version Control: The SVN server provided PACCAR’s internal team with a robust version control system, improving collaboration and code management.

Streamlined Authentication: LDAP integration simplified user authentication and access management, reducing administrative effort.

Improved Security: The implementation of security measures ensured the protection of sensitive data and secure communication.


The Demski Group successfully set up an SVN server with LDAP integration for PACCAR, enhancing their version control capabilities and streamlining user authentication. This project highlights our ability to develop secure and efficient version control solutions tailored to client needs.

This case study demonstrates The Demski Group’s capability to create advanced version control systems, leveraging modern technologies to deliver secure and efficient solutions for manufacturing and automotive industries.

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