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The Project

Building a Robust E-Commerce Platform for Tausi Brands

Tausi Brands, a new entrant in the online retail market, required a robust e-commerce platform to establish their brand and start selling products online. The primary objective was to create a user-friendly and scalable online store that could effectively launch their business and drive initial sales.

Our Solution

High-Quality, Custom Applications

The Demski Group developed comprehensive iOS and Android applications in native Swift and Kotlin for Audiojack, along with a connected WordPress site. This provided users with a seamless and accessible audio storytelling experience, whether they were using the mobile app or accessing the service via the web.

In addition to this premium user-focused experience, the Demski Group also built a backend system using PHP to manage and organize audio content. This future-proofed the site for any further additions that Audiojack would require, as well as allowing for easier updates to the audio library. 

Key Features

Branding and Design

• Developed a custom design that reflected the brand identity of Tausi Brands. • Ensured a cohesive and visually appealing look across all pages, enhancing brand recognition and trust.

User-Friendly Interface

• Implemented a clean and intuitive navigation structure to help users find products easily. • Designed responsive pages to provide an optimal browsing experience on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

E-commerce Functionality

• Integrated essential e-commerce features such as product catalogs, shopping cart, secure checkout, and payment gateways. • Enabled product reviews and ratings to build trust and encourage purchases. • Implemented SEO best practices to improve search engine visibility and attract organic traffic.

Marketing and Sales Tools

• Set up email marketing integrations to help Tausi Brands engage with customers and promote products. • Integrated social media sharing options to expand the brand’s reach and drive traffic from various channels.
Tausi Brands

The Demski Group delivered a professional website that received positive feedback from users across many industries. They communicated effectively via Zoom and were always accessible. Customers can expect an honest team that can provide outstanding outputs.

Janice Shokrian
Founder & CEO, Tausi Brands 

The Results

Successful Launch: The new website provided a strong foundation for Tausi Brands to launch their online store and start selling products immediately.

User Engagement: The attractive design and user-friendly interface helped capture visitors’ attention and convert them into customers.

Scalability: The Shopify platform ensured that Tausi Brands could easily manage their growing product catalog and handle increasing traffic and sales as the business expanded.


The Demski Group successfully delivered a full-featured e-commerce website for Tausi Brands, enabling them to establish their online presence and begin generating sales. This project highlights our ability to support new businesses in launching effective e-commerce solutions that drive growth and success.

This case study illustrates The Demski Group’s expertise in developing e-commerce websites that empower new brands to enter the market and achieve their business goals.

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